Emergency supply at Hvidovre Hospital sets a new standard

A new emergency power system delivered by DI-Teknik leads the way for future electricity supply in hospitals and other businesses, where critical processes are totally dependent on a stable electricity supply.

DI-Teknik has had the turnkey contract for the delivery and installation of a new emergency supply system at Hvidovre Hospital. This happened after a tender, in which five companies bid for the job.

“To us, the technical solution has been assigned with utmost emphasis. We must have an emergency power plant, which works flawlessly at all time, and with the solution from DI-Teknik, we now have future-proof the hospital’s emergency power supply. This means that we have got a high security of supply, regardless of what happens in the external power grid. Contemporary, it is a fully automated solution, with a minimum of maintenance, that does not require special resources in daily operations. The system looks after itself so to speak, and we monitor it via SRO, as we do with all the other systems at the hospital. If there is a situation we cannot handle, DI-Teknik is available through a service agreement, “says Søren Fritzel, senior consultant and engineer from operating and engineering department at Hvidovre Hospital.

“We are very pleased to deliver a plant, that we believe leads the way for future emergency power systems. It can be used in both hospital and other types of businesses, where a stable power supply is an ultimate requirement. We have had a very good collaboration with Hvidovre Hospital, as well as with Balslev A / S who was the consultant on the assignment, and we are looking at an interesting market for the future types of emergency power systems, “says John Huusfelt, head of the high-voltage department at DI-Teknik.

Most advanced 10-kV plant

Only a project suggestion with an overall description of the requirements the plant had to meet, was available in the tender.

“We have calculated, designed, dimensioned and designed the entire facility, not only the electric-technical part of the task but also all the other elements of the project, including dry cooling plant at ground level and the entire architectural solution in the basement, with diesel fuel day tank and explosion protection of the facilities, “says John Huusfelt who considers this solution to be the most advanced and modern 10 kV emergency power system one can establish today. With the new central high voltage solution, it is no longer necessary to operate with priorities and partitioning of hospital’s electricity supply in normal, and emergency supply in regard to power failure. With the new system, the entire hospital’s operations continue uninterrupted, even if the external power supply is interrupted.

“Our requirements for the emergency power plant was, that it could provide power for the entire hospital, including the planned expansion of the hospital of 45,000 square meters. In addition, the system had to be fully automated, reliable and able to connect within 15 seconds. Today, we have this specific system, using the solution from DI-Teknik, “says Søren Fritzel.

Fiber Connection monitors electricity supply

Hvidovre Hospital receives daily electricity supply from three incoming 10 kV cable connections from DONG ENERGY. The cable connections are connected to an internal ring associated to six substations. The two incoming cables feed each section of the ring management unit, the third cable is in reserve. This provides a high level of security of supply, but in the case of a complete interruption of the high-voltage grid, the hospital will be left without external power supply. This has happened several times over the years.

“The new emergency power system is constantly measuring if external supply is available and it automatically switches to the ring management unit and incoming cables to maintain the supply. The emergency power supply system will only start in case of all three external connections are without voltage. For this purpose, a separate duplicated fiber connection is established, which is used in communication between the transformer station and the generator plant, “says Søren Fritzel.


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