Our mission
Our mission and history in DI-Teknik
Our mission and history In DI-Teknik. DI-Teknik is one of Denmark’s largest automation companies with more than 20 years of experience in automation and industrial electricity. The company DI-Teknik is the result of a merger between the companies Danateknik and Innova-Teknik. Both companies prioritized concepts such as relationship customers and employee responsibility, and as competencies and customer base had gradually grown together, the merger was imminent. The merger became the starting shot for a flourishing of carats.
Our vision
DI-Teknik differs significantly from its competitors by acting as a total supplier with competencies in both designs, dimensioning, programming, installation, and servicing. We supply everything from a single high-voltage system to the last sensor on a wastewater plant and only use subcontractors in exceptional cases.
DI-Teknik has become part of Caverion A/S Denmark
With effect from 7 March 2022, DI-Teknik has become part of Caverion Denmark.
The existing group of owners will continue as co-owners, just as we all continue in our current roles and responsibilities in DI-Teknik. DI-Teknik will continue as an independent company under Caverion Denmark, and will continue to be known under the name DI-Teknik.
This opportunity provides DI-Teknik A/S with significant advantages and a strong foundation to create a market-leading provider of industrial automation and related services more widely in Denmark, and internationally across the Caverion Group.
Our goal
Historical ballast provides team spirit and confidence. With this starting point, employees and management at DI-Teknik continue to fine-tune the course towards the common goal; to remain one of the country’s best total suppliers in industrial electricity and automation.
Contact us
Feel free to contact us by phone +45 5657 0066 or via our contact form on this page, and let us know what we can help your company. You are welcome to download our profile brochure for a closer look at who we are and what competencies we offer. Download our profile brochure here DI-Teknik_brochure2021_UK