Corporate culture in our company

Structures and business practices in DI-Teknik A/S are flat and flexible.  Our mindset is innovatory and always open to dialogue, and we practice open agendas. We practice a management structure, where we have close cooperation with everybody across the different professional groups in-house. All six owners of the company take part in the theoretical and practical task solution in DI-Teknik. The overall interaction in the dedicated and specialized team of employees creates a healthy and natural basis for optimal, customised solutions that are at the cutting edge of development.

Corporate culture in DI-Teknik

The customer in focus

Ownership in our business


  • We want to be a partner rather than a supplier.

Great commitment:

  • We show great commitment in all phases of tasks and projects



  • We are used to adapting and adapting to the different needs and requirements of customers, colleagues, and authorities.
  • Innovation is one of the cornerstones of DI-Technology; we solve the tasks with maximum optimization and the most outstanding functionality.

Competencies & Education:

  • We continuously ensure that we have a high level of education, which is adapted to the requirements of customers and the authorities.


Dialogue internally and externally:

  • We place great emphasis on open and honest communication in our everyday lives.

The right solution:

  • We put the task at the center when we choose the technical solution.

Future existence:

  • We show financial responsibility in the operation of DI-Teknik, which ensures our existence.


  • We always deliver the agreed product at the agreed time.

Quality product:

  • We want to deliver a quality product and we therefore never compromise.

Social responsibility

Job security:

  • We take pride in long-term employee relationships and support when needed.

Healthy and safe working environment:

  • We maintain a high level of safety in the workplace, and our work climate is adapted to the needs of our employees.

Mutual respect:

  • We show great respect for each other; it is experienced through a good and respectful tone towards everyone, regardless of the size and cause of the conflict.


  • We inspire each other, and through that, we achieve great motivation in everyone.


  • No maximum age in DI-Teknik; with us, we value competencies higher than the year of birth.


Ethical rules

DI-Teknik respects and follows the UN Global Compact ten principles, including:

Human rights

  • Companies should support and respect the protection of internationally declared human rights
  • Ensure that they do not contribute to human rights violations

Workers’ rights

  • Businesses should maintain freedom of association and effectively recognize collective bargaining
  • Support the eradication of all forms of forced labor
  • Support the effective abolition of child labor
  • Eliminate discrimination in working and employment conditions


  • Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
  • Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
  • Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies


  • Businesses should combat all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
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